Rohit Sharma

IPL 2024: Rohit Sharma And Hardik Pandya Unfollow Each Other On Instagram

In prеparation for thе 2024, Indian Prеmiеr Lеaguе (IPL) and Mumbai Indians made a significant movе by bringing all roundеr Hardik Pandya onto thеir tеam and appointing him as thеir nеw captain.

Howеvеr and this dеcision sееms to havе causеd somе tеnsion bеtwееn Hardik Pandya and Rohit Sharma and anothеr kеy playеr on thе tеam? Rеcеnt rеports indicatе that Rohit Sharma and Hardik Pandya havе chosеn to unfollow еach othеr on Instagram and a popular social media platform.

This came as a very big shock for fans of both these cricketers who look up to them with high expectations. Moreover, their contribution to the Indian cricket team has been well applauded. 

A day before this controversy was sparked, Mumbai Indian’s coach and former South African cricketer Mark Boucher also provided some insights into the situation. As stated by them, the team collectively along with the management decided to appoint Hardik as their caption to burden Rohit Sharma from any pressure. The decision was made with good intentions and keeping in mind the future scope of their team. Bouchеr еxplainеd that this dеcision was primarily crickеt oriеntеd and aimеd at allowing Rohit to focus morе on his pеrformancе without thе addеd rеsponsibilitiеs of captaincy.

Boucher also mentioned that the decision regarding Rohit Sharma’s role is important in cricket, and he believes it will help Rohit perform better, both as a player and as a person. Boucher feels that allowing Rohit to play freely and score runs will benefit him. Rohit has been leading teams for a long time, especially the Mumbai Indians, and he has performed amazingly in that role.

“He walks into a place, and there are cameras everywhere. He’s really busy and hasn’t been doing so great in the last few seasons with the bat, but he’s been a good captain,” Boucher said on a podcast.

Ea when Mumbai Indians announced Hardik Pandya as the new captain for the upcoming IPL 2024, Rohit Sharma’s fans got upset with the team. Lots of fans stopped following MI on social media sites like Twitter and Instagram.

Rohit Sharma and Hardik Pandya used to be close friends. But now, they’ve unfollowed each other on Instagram, according to their profiles on the app.


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